OK, I found my (Kmail) LOST email

ziklag ziklag at inbox.com
Sat Jun 14 23:42:07 BST 2008

On Saturday 14 June 2008, Rikard Johnels wrote:
> On Saturday 14 June 2008 18:21, ziklag wrote:
> > I guess that I'm having trouble saying anything nice about Linux
> > lately.  It seems like each rev. gets worse.  I just "upgraded" (sic)
> > to FC9.  What a kludge!  Now here's an ALPHA quality product:
> ...Lots of ranting cut....
> > So frustrated with Linux.
> So stop using it???
> If it bugs you so badly, why stay around using it???
> I for my side have been around since the RH Mothers day release. +0.1
> (somewhere late 1995)
>  Way back in kernel 1.x land
> Staring out on Slackware 2.3 with kernel 1.2.8
> I then went over to SuSE as soon as i found it. running from 6.something up
> to 10.2.
> I am now mostly running SLED 10 and SLES 10 sp1 on my systems. Having
> tested and passed several other distros and releases.
> Sure i have had some caveats on some of the various SuSE releases.
> But nothing that i couldnt fix, or get to live with, or ignore using for
> that matter
> (As for 10.3 which didnt work on my system the way i needed it to, and thus
> never used.)
> Just as you have to readjust for MS releases. (Ever compared NT4, W2K, XP
> and Vista's different ways of dealing with things?), you have to adjust for
> newer Linux distro releases.
> I myself tend to wait a while for the "bleeding edge guys" to comment on
> all the strangeness and new features provided in a new release, and then
> make a assessment on wether to upgrade or wait.
> And i go by the parole, "If it works to your needs and is to your liking,
> stay with it!"
> There is no need to have the latest just cause its availale.

When your system is unstable, then 'yes', there usually is a need to
try the latest software.

> Sure, if there is things that yet doesnt work in your particular release,
> you might want to try the newer one.
> But whenever i do that i use a "scrap disc" to make a new evaluation
> install to test the system before i use it "live".
> I never "just upgrade and hope for the best."
> If i like it, and it fixes what didnt work. Fine!
> If it doesnt, and my old setup is working as wanted, i'll stick to that,
> and wait for a fix later on.

Back in the day, used to be able to afford a whole computer test lab.
Now, I consider it extravagent to have an XP box (for downloading
music and burning music CDs (linux can't do  this on my machine.)),
my old BeOS R5 for playing music (SoundPlay rocks), and my "high-end"
Linux AMD-64 system.   I don't have spare disk space to test it out
first.  I read the canned reviews (none of which said that FC9 and KDE4 were
in such an alpha state), I read the release notes,  I researched the nvidia
problems (which were said to be solved), I tried to follow the preupgrade,
etc.   Then I took the plunge.    Again, FC9 was claimed to have been
alpha and beta tested.   That means that stupid show-stopping bugs are
suppoed to have been addressed already ( and in my letter, I mentioned
some basic show-stoppers.)

At my day job, I have to deal with customers all day long.  When a customer
tells me that he wants something, it's my job to make sure that he gets the
right thing.   Like yesterday, I sold a guy some paint.  I told him that it 
wouldn't work without a primer.  The paint can's label said that it needed a 
primer.  But the customer came in today upset because the paint did not 
stick. I told him that I was sorry, but I could not help him because, hey, I 
had ADEQUATELY warned him.    Where was I warned that things like startkde 
were broken?   Where was I told that KDE4 was still in alpha status?   Where 
do the release notes say "this is dangerous software, use with a high risk of 
bugs and failures."?

I don't use Microsoft because they make you pay for lousy support.   But,
it's getting really frustrating that the "friendly" "open-source" community
blames the messenger.   Sure I was righting in <rant mode>, but it seems
to me that someone needs to recognize that the emperor has no clothes;
Linux has a lot of problems.   In hindsight, I was exceedingly foolish telling
my IT coworkers that Linux seemed to have bright future when it's abundantly
clear that the UserSpace realm is exactly what Microsoft claims: a mess of
half-finished and competing projects (KDE v. Gnome v. XFCE, etc.   Alsa v.
pulseaudio v. jack etc.)     My hat's off to guys like Jean-Louis Gassee, 
Marco Nelison, Dominic Giampolo,  Steve Sakoman,  Pavel Cisler, etc.
There was vision and *management*.  As Pavel Cisler wrote:
Finish this sentence: "Programming for BeOS kicks ass because ______"  
... the barriers between your ideas and their implementation are so thin. 

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