this annoys me no end

Rick Miles frmrick at
Mon Apr 9 12:04:01 BST 2007

Philip Rodrigues is a darn nice person I don't care what anybody says!
> Rick Miles wrote:
> > originally: this annoys the p--s out of me.
> >
> > where in the heck is kde/kmail address book kept????
Thanks Philip,

I have some things in my last /home backup under kabc don't know where the 
rest have gone.  Probably the result of dragging the same /home/user 
directory through numerous re-installs, upgrades of both slack and kde. It'd 
be nice to just have something to plop ones's old .kde into anynew version or 
at least be able to backup\restore the critical stuff.
> Look in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc . The addressbook is std.vcf, and backups
> are stored as std.vcf_<number>. So if your addressbook has been eaten, just
> rename one of those backups (you probably want the most recent one) to
> std.vcf .
> Regards,
> Philip


Rick Miles

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and rest set in motion is no rest.

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