(no subject)

andrew kar akar3d at yahoo.com.au
Wed Jan 11 23:31:47 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 11 January 2006 09:44, Pastor Darrell G Vaughn wrote:
> I have accidently deleted my filemanager from the profile list
> and when i do a rpm -verify kdebase it tells me it is missing

1) I assume you wouldn't know where to put it if you had it but if you do use 
something like mc or krusader to extract the filemanagement profile and copy 
it to where it belongs

2) Just reinstall the kdebase.rpm package. ie: rpm -i --force kdebase.rpm. If 
the -i switch wont take --force the use -U --force for forced upgrade. Either 
will do the job.

3) Open any type of konq window or profile and just use the menus to turn the 
various bits on and off. ie open a konq browser, turn on or press F9 for the 
nav panel, press the home icon to set it to its default user home folder and 
then save the profile as filemanagement making sure save size and URL are 
ticked, That IS after all what the profiles are; groups of settings selected 
for various task types.

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