Russian keyboard Control+ and Alternate+ key combination

Andriy Rysin arysin at
Sun Feb 26 23:44:59 GMT 2006

Pryvit Alex :)

"include latin layout" will be enabled when all of these conditions met:
1) Your /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory have have pc/ directory (this was 
introduced in 4.3 and than means your layouts by default have only 1 group)
2) The layout you have chosen is not startig with "en" or "us"
3) You don't have your layout listed in !nonlatin  or !old_layouts lists

If one of those are false the checkbox will be disabled. There also a 
problem with one of the latest SuSEs - they removed pc/ directory thus 
they are quite different from everybody else and checkbox will be 
disabled. This was fixed in 3.5.1 but kxkb in 3.5.1 is (heavily) broken 
due to other problems so I'd recommend too wait until 3.5.2.
You may try to paly with it like going to /etc/X11/xkb and making ln -s 
. pc/ if that's your case but that's up to you.

Good luck,

surlyc at wrote:
> Hola Andriy:
> I think that your solution would have worked
> if KDE had permitted me to select "Include
> Latin Group".  However, this selection remained
> grayed-out in the keyboard layout configuration
> no matter what I tried.  However, your suggestion
> helped lead me to the solution which was to edit
> the file xfree86 in /etc/X11/xkb/rules/.  There
> are three lines near the top of this file that
> are commented and start with !nonlatin followed
> by abbreviations for various nonlatin-alphabet
> languages.  The file contains instructions to
> uncomment the !nonlatin lines when using nonlatin
> keyboards.
> This solution is a little convoluted and I suspect
> that if I could have activated the option
> you suggested it would have done what I needed.
> Can you suggest what I should do so that I can
> have available the KDE Control Center option
> to include the latin group?
> Best regards,
> Alex
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andriy Rysin <arysin at>
> Date: Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:33 am
> Subject: Re: [kde] Russian keyboard Control+ and Alternate+ key combination
>> Check "Include Latin Group" option in keyboard layout configuration.
>> Let me know if that helps.
>> Andriy
>> surlyc at wrote:
>>> I am using SuSE 10.0 with KDE 3.4.2. I have 3 KDE keyboards set 
>> up: Russian, English, and Spanish.
>>> The Russian keyboard does not have the function of the Control or 
>> Alternate keys. For example, there is no Ctrl key combination that 
>> actuates bolding or italics in a word processor and there is no Alt 
>> key combination that activates menus (e.g., File or Edit menus).  
>> These key combinations work fine with the KDE English and Spanish 
>> keyboards.>
>>> Can you advise me regarding what my problem might be and how to 
>> solve it?
>>> Thank you for your attention.
>>> Alex
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