MacOS style menus

James Grimwood pickoo at
Sun Mar 20 21:59:02 GMT 2005


I've installed the KDE 3.4.0 gentoo packages and all is working nicely :-)

How do I make the MacOS style menubars work properly? Currently, if I
enable them, I get a menubar but all the menu items are on the right
of the bar, not the left where they should be.

And how do you remove the bottom panel or move the menubar into it? If
I enable the MacOS style menus I can put tasklists and things in it
which makes the bottom existing panel redundant. However it seems that
panel is the "master" one and you can't make it go away...

I've seen references to a "menu" applet, but I don't have one of those.

Also, on an unrelated topic:

Sometime during upgrading I lost the ability to right-click on
compressed files and choose "extract to..." in the actions context
menu. The only thing I can do now is run Ark and press "uncompress".
How do I get the context-menu Ark stuff back?

Should I have deleted my .kde directories between upgrades?

Thanks :)

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