No jpeg thumbnails in Konqueror

Ken Schutte kschutte at
Wed Jul 6 01:59:24 BST 2005

James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> Ken Schutte wrote:
>>I've happily switched to KDE with one major exception - jpeg thumbnails 
>>are not shown in the Konqueror file browser.   I've been searching for 
>>similar problems, but the only solution I find is to check 
>>Settings->Configure Konqueror->Previews & Meta-Data->Max File Size. 
>>I've tried changing this to be very large, but still no luck.
>>My ~/.thumbnails exists and contains thumbnails for .png images. 
>>Konqueror doesn't have a problem with displaying these jpegs in the full 
>>window, but won't create thumbnails.
>>It happens to work fine in nautilus.  I'm running FC3 and Konqueror 
>>3.3.1-4.3.FC3 using KDE 3.3.1-2.12.FC3.  I have qt-3.3.4-0.fc3.0.
> Does KView properly display JPEG files?


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