cervisia for subversion...

Marc Collin collinm at laboiteaprog.com
Wed Aug 17 21:37:17 BST 2005

Le 17 Août 2005 13:14, Rex Dieter a écrit :
> Marc Collin wrote:
> > are there any software like cervisia for subversion?
> kdesvn: http://www.alwins-world.de/programs/kdesvn/
> -- Rex

ok thanks...

maybe you could help me for another thing....

i try to import a folder who contain a lot of source code (folder name is: 


i create my directories...

svnadmin create /opt/svnroot
cd /home/collinm/website/

i created a group of user who will able to create, add.... file to this 
this group name is: svnusers

i do this command
svn import laboiteaprog file:///opt/svnroot/

i get:
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit
Adding         laboiteaprog/backupsite.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/ajoutlien.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/inserercomposant.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/ajoutnew.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/attentefaq.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/effacerlivre.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/tutorielpersonnel.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/modif.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/insererfaq.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/composant.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/modifiertutopers.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/tutoriel.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/faq.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/vueforum.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/modifprofil.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/inserermsg.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/effacercomposant.php
Adding         laboiteaprog/ajout old.php

Committed revision 1.

i don't have a folder laboiteaprog into /opt/svnroot...

i tried to do a checkout..

svn co file:///opt/svnroot/laboiteaprog laboiteaprog
svn: URL 'file:///opt/svnroot/laboiteaprog' doesn't exist

the import seem  ok.. but nothing in the svn folder...

any idea?

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