Konqueror and hidden files.

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Tue May 11 07:18:56 BST 2004

On Tuesday 11 May 2004 00:04, ddtl wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> How can I configure Konqueror to show hidden files as a default -
> currently, in order to show hidden files, I have to enter a directory
> and set "Show hidden files" - then Konqueror creates a special
> configuration file called ".directory" where it saves the settings for that
> particuar directory (in my case - to show hidden files), so that if you
> restart Konqueror and enter that directory-hidden files would be shown. But
> if, for example, ~/files/ directory is shown in a file listing and you set
> View=>"Show hidden files", after that hidden files are shown only in that
> particular directory, not in the other ones: if you change
> to the ~/scripts directory, for example, hidden files won't be shown,
> and that poses two problems: first of all I don't want to set
> "Show hidden files" for every single directory on my PC. Also, I don't
> have write privileges for most directories, which means that ".directory"
> file could not be created there, and settings are not remembered.

Try this: activate "Show hidden files" and save the filemanager view profile.


Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
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