new to KDE, settings questions
Kevin Krammer
kevin.krammer at
Wed Jan 14 17:56:32 GMT 2004
On Wednesday 14 January 2004 16:36, Dexter Filmore wrote:
> GTK: still want to use some gtk apps I hold dear (Sylpheed for example).
> Now, when a new window opens *not* maximized, it's not centered but clinged
> to a corner. So ok, GTK!=KDE, but is there sth one can do about it?
That is a window manager setting, i.e. the window placement strategy.
For Kwin, the KDE default window manager, it can be changed in control center.
> non-KDE-apps on Kicker: said Sylpheed needs a distinguishable icon on
> Kicker, I stick to the kmail icon for now but the original one is better.
> where does it have to go and what formats are known for icons? only png?
I think the icon has to be in one of the icon paths and the name of the icon
is either the applications name or is specified in the applications .desktop
The standard icon path for KDE is KDEPREFIX/share/icons (where KDEPREFIX is
the installation path prefix of KDE, usually /usr or /opt/kde3)
Maybe the Sylpheed icon is only available in smaller sizes than necessary for
a kicker button.
> how about svg?
No, only raster image formats for now.
> Themes and 3.2beta2: 1st tried 3.2beta2. must say looks fine for a beta,
> but themes support is not backwards compatible. which is a drag imho.
> any way to convert? might have information about themes conversion.
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