icons blinking on desktop

Remko Scharroo remko.scharroo at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 12 15:09:16 BST 2003

Hi Antoine,

I want to confirm that I notice exactly the same in KDE 3.1.3 on SuSE 
8.2. It happens most clearly when I start KDE up, but also when some 
files in ~/Desktop are changed.

But, I can give some more information for those who might know more 
about it. Look in ~/.xsession-errors. First of all, you will find that 
it is a BIG file (depending on the amount and the size of the files on 
your desktop). Some lines are very conspicuous. For each file you will 
find a long list of "invalid entry" warnings, like:

Invalid entry (missing '=') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:1
Invalid entry (second locale!?) at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:2
Invalid entry (missing '=') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:4
Invalid entry (missing '=') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:5
Invalid entry (missing '=') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:6
Invalid entry (empty key) at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:8
Invalid entry (missing ']') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:11
Invalid entry (missing '=') at /user/remko/Desktop/wmatamap.pdf:13

... and so on ...

Clearly, KDE is trying to scan the file as a "*.desktop" file.

Do you find the same info in you ~/.xsession-errors file, Antoine?

I have looked around on the web for similar postings. I see some reports 
of it and the reaction has always been: just link .xsession-errors to 
/dev/null and you don't have such a big file any more. But that is just 
getting rid of the symptoms, not of the disease.

Does any one know of a better way to avoid that KDE is scanning all my 
files on the desktop?


----- original message ----

I upgraded to kde-3.1.3 a week ago and since I'm having an odd problem. 
Just to let you know: my home directory in mounted via NFS. 
Now, when I'm under KDE, my desktop looks like it keeps refreshing all 
time, all the icons blink like every 4 or 5 seconds. 
It is of course very uncomfortable to work with. 
Do you have any idea what could cause this ? 
I'm running FreeBSD. 
Thanks in advance. 

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