KDM - Howto reboot a remote XTerminal?

Alexander Puchmayr alexander.puchmayr at jku.at
Wed Sep 11 09:27:26 BST 2002

Hi folks!

I've got a pool of X-Terminals, which are boind via query-XDCMP to a rather 
big server. 
The intuitive way to reboot such a xterminal would be to configure KDM to 
show a reboot/shutdown option. 

kdmrc has the fields:


When leaving this untouched, the user reboots the server, which is 
definitely not what he (and me as the admin) wants.

Is there some variable or place holder for the IP of the terminal that kdm 
I though of something like

HaltCmd=/usr/local/sbin/halt_terminal.sh $REMOTEIP
RebootCmd=/usr/local/sbin/reboot_terminal.sh $REMOTEIP

with both scripts sending the actual reboot/halt command via 
rsa-authenticated ssh-commands to the actual terminal.

Thanks in advance
	Alex Puchmayr

Alexander Puchmayr            Systemadministrator for Theoretical Physics
University Linz, Austria      e-mail: alexander.puchmayr at jku.at
Altenbergerstrasse 69         phone: +43/732/2468-8633
A-4040 Linz-Auhof             FAX:   +43/732/2468-8585
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