How to change fontsize in the Help system ?
melurker at
Mon Sep 2 11:09:16 BST 2002
On Monday 02 September 2002 03:56, Mark Constable wrote:
> On Monday 02 September 2002 18:01, Ralf Sternberg wrote:
> > Am Montag 02 September 2002 04:16 schrieb Mark Constable:
> > > Would anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get those two
> > > font-size changing icons onto my Khelp system window, so I
> > > can then, probably, read up on how to do these things, and
> > > more, myself ? I want to RTFM but I can only read for about
> > > a minute before it hurts too much and I have to stop.
> >
> > Have you tried to get them via Menu->Settings->Configure Toolbars?
> If only I could ! Where do I do this ? What "Menu" in the menus ?
> Ok, real simple... I click on the "i" icon in Kicker and that
> opens up the KHelpCenter where the menu options are...
> File Edit Go Help
> Print Seleact All Home etc...
> Quit Find Back
> And I have 4 icons in the toolbar -> Home Back Forward and Print.
> This is with KDE 3.1 but as far as I can remember it's always
> been like this, or very similar. At no point has it been obvious
> to me how to enlarge the font size used in KHelpCenter which
> renders the help system useless. I could downgrade my screen
> res but surely I do not have to resort to such a kludge !
> Any other other suggestions ?
> --markc
Some of the suggestions applied to the konqi file manager as opposed to
the kdehelp center that you are refering to.
I guess you must be using kde3.1 Alpha/Beta? At first I thought you meant
ver 3.0.1. But I have kde3.0.1 on one machine and kde3.0.3 on another
and they both show the +mag and -mag icons for changing text size and
are great IMO. But I see no way of configuring (i.e. adding icons) that
particular help window even if I needed to.
So it looks like that feature was deleted in the the later Alpha/Beta.
I have a very small .jpg of just that area of the window that I can send
you just so you know what everyone else is talking about, just let me
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