CRAZY cpu usage when running kde

gabriel the.angel.gabriel at
Thu Oct 24 16:48:50 BST 2002

> You wrote it were two processes.
> kdesktop can only be one of them.
> Perhaps its some kind of loop between the two processes.

o but that's the weird part
it's kdesktop every time:

user at localhost gabriel $ ps -aux | grep desktop
user  20580 29.1  2.7 22840 14296 ?       R    11:38   1:17 kdeinit: kdesktop
user  20776 22.2  3.0 64552 15456 ?       R    11:41   0:26 kdeinit: kdesktop
user  21005  4.3  2.7 22764 14148 ?       S    11:42   0:01 kdeinit: kdesktop
user  21062  0.0  0.0  1408  472 pts/0    R    11:43   0:00 grep desktop

i can kill them
but a new one will refuse to die next time i log out.

stuff about my machine:
amd athalon tbird 800mhz
512mb ram
gentoo linux v1.2
kde compiled from source (via gentoo's emerge)
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