No kio_audiocd nor kio_help when not root!

Guy Zelck gzelck at
Wed Oct 23 23:05:48 BST 2002

Hello all,

I've recently installed kde3 3.0.4 for Mandrake-8.1 using rpms. I can 
work fairly well until I discovered I couldn't 'audiocd:/' nor 'help:/' 
in konqueror.
Funny thing is I can do all this being root! So it seems to be sth. 
related to access rights? I can't see any unusual rights on the files 
when comparing e.g. /opt/kde3/lib/kde3 files with their counterparts 
from kde2 which I still have. In KDE2 things work.

Launching konqueror from a console I see:
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
ERROR: filesharelist not found in 
konqueror: ERROR: ERROR 3: couldn't create slave : Unable to create 
klauncher said: Error when loading 'kio_audiocd'.

What's the knack behind this? Is it some security feature they added?


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