is there any way to change the size (width) of TASKBAR ? not PANEL

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Mon Nov 11 00:57:28 GMT 2002

Admin-Stress wrote:
> My panel look like this :
> [K][.....][taskbar]                  [klipper][time]
> I noticed some empty space between the taskbar and the klipper. Is there any way to utilize that
> empty space? so my panel will be like this:
> [K][.....][---------taskbar-------][klipper][time]
> I clicked the little vertical bar in the left of the taskbar, gave a menu, but no option to change
> size.
> Is it possible?
The system tray has a minimum size if that is where "klipper" is and I 
don't know if you can change that.

But you can move the" "taskbar" over so that it is next to the system 
tray and it will enlarge when needed.

Is that what you want or could you please provide additional information?


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