[just slightly OT] How to type special charachters as key-codes?

Ingo Klöcker ingo.kloecker at epost.de
Fri May 10 09:53:10 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

JW wrote:
> Ok, U use a normal US keyboard / US/en language settings.
> In Windows, when I want to type a "special"  charachter, such as a
> bullet, long dash, pound/euro, etc, I can type it in by using a
> keycode by holding [ALT] and typing a number on the keypad, for
> example long-dash it [ALT]+ 0151, IIRC. You can find these keycodes by
> using the window Charachter Map program. When you click on the letter
> (or hover over it) you get a tool tip or something that tells you the
> the key sequence is.
> I found a nice KDE application, kcharselect that does pretty much the
> same thing, except as best I can see, it doesn't tell you when the key
> sequence is.
> I don't know if such a thing is even possible in linux (or should I
> say in KDE?), but I woudl think so, and hope so.
> Does anyone have an idea how I can find out if such a thing is even
> posible, and if so, how you input them? I tried the Windows-style
> ALT-(numpad numbers) but it didn't work. I don't really want to go
> start kcharselect ch time, I'd rather remember a key sequence.

Many Unix machines have a so-called Compose key. This can be used to 
compose a special character out of two normal characters. Some examples 
(in each case you have first to press and release the Compose key which 
is probably mapped to the right Windows key):
a + " -> ä
a + ^ -> â
a + ' -> á
a + ` -> à
a + o -> å
a + e -> æ
c + , -> ç
n + ~ -> ñ
e + = -> €


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