Problems installing KDE3

Hairysocks hairysocks at
Tue Jun 25 11:33:03 BST 2002

I've taken the step of moving to KDE3 - mainly because I want to
use the latest KWord because I understand it is wysiwyg.

Problem 1
Ok. I originally had KDE 2.1 from my RedHat 7.1 installation. I
subsequently got up to KDE 2.2.2 by compiling from source. Then
I removed KDE2, via the rpm -e commands and cleaned up
directories that rpm didn't remove (I assumed because KDE 2.2.2
had more to it than KDE 2.1, which was all the rpm knew about).

But now when I log in, my Red Hat login dialog doesn't have
"welcome to localhost" above the place you enter the username,
it just has a row of squares. My guess is that I've deleted a
font file that used for the dialog - can anyone suggest how I
sort it out, without having to install everything from my RedHat
7.1 CDs again?

Problem 2
I have compiled KDE 3, and KOffice 1.1.1 and they seem to run
(except for the Klines game which just doesn't even load!!??!!).
But when I logout of KDE3, I get a message something like:

Can't find ksmserver - check your installation

Clicking the Okay button closes down successfully, but its
worrying to see that it thinks my KDE3 installation isn't set up

Problem 3
KDE2 had sound, but KDE3 doesn't - any ideas?

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