Large file copies using too much CPU time

Dan Stone dan at
Sun Jun 23 23:32:27 BST 2002

> Hmm, good question I have no idea.  I'd assumed it would dump stuff to
> stdout but after some experimentation it seems not.  What happens with big
> copies when arts isn't running?

I'll have to get back to you on that one, assuming the other suggestion didn't 
fix it...

> Ah, hdparm is your friend :)  'hdparm /dev/hda' will show the status and
> 'hdparm -c1 -d1 /dev/hda' will set 32bit IO and DMA access to on (assuming
> you have relatively recent motherboard and drives, substitute /dev/hda for
> whichever drives you use).  Some distros do this automatically these days
> so it may not need to be done.  You may need to stick the hdparm commands
> in a startup script to run them on bootup.

Heh...guess it might have helped to be using 32-bit I/O and DMA access, no?  I 
set the drives to work properly now, and it seems to have fixed the still makes me wonder, though, why being on 16-bit I/O and no 
DMA made artsd go nuts...? *shrug*

Thanks for the help, though -- guess it wasn't a KDE issue after all =P

~D. A. Stone
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