anti-aliased fonts

Jordan Capps j_capps at
Wed Aug 21 18:10:32 BST 2002

Ok, I was able to snag the TT fonts just fine, but I can't seem to use
the command "service" "ttmkdir" or "chkfontpath."  Are these supposed to
be executed in something other than bash?  Thanks for the help, just a
bit more clarification please.

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 06:52, Praveen Ray wrote:
> Try following steps (as root)
> 1. Make sure 'xfs' is up and running :
> > service xfs status
> 2. If not running start it :
> > service xfs start
> This starts the XFont Server (most probably it was already running)
> 3. Create a directory called 'TrueType' , if not there already :
> > mkdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
> 4. If you do not have TTF files, steal them from a Windows 2000/NT machine
> Mostly in winnt/system32/fonts directory. If not there, search for *.ttf files 
> in Windows directory and 'ftp' all *.ttf files to the newly created directory 
> in step 3.
> 5. go back to the Linux Machine and go to the newly created directory (still 
> as root)
> > cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
> 6. run following command :
> > ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale
> This would create a 'fonts.scale' file in current directory. Make sure the 
> first line of the file is a number (It probably is).
> 7. copy this file to a new one :
> > cp fonts.scale fonts.dir
> 8. Add this newly created directory to Font Server Path :
> > chkfontpath -a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
> 9. Restart 'xfs' :
> > service xfs stop
> > service xfs start
> 10. Make sure 'Use Anti Aliasing' is turned on in KDE 
> controlPanel/LookandFeel/Fonts
> 11. You should be able to see newly installed TT fonts in all KDE apps font 
> selected dialogs.
> 12. Sometime on my machine (RH7.1) 'xfs' server dies for no reason so I have 
> to keep restarting it.
> Let us know if this works. 
> On Tuesday 20 August 2002 11:49 pm, Jordan Capps wrote:
> > I've got a bit of an odd problem.  Too make a long story short, I
> > recently changed distros to Red Hat and video cards to a GeForce 4 (both
> > of which I did at the same time) and I can't seem to get AA fonts to
> > work in KDE 3.  I know that the GeForce 4 drivers aren't in the kernel
> > yet so I'm using the vesa drivers and am limited to 16-bit color, but
> > that shouldn't be the problem I don't think.
> >
> > I can however get AA fonts to work in Opera under KDE3 by adding
> > QT_XFT=1 and QT_XFT to my PATH in my Opera script, so I know that AA
> > works, I just can't get the rest of KDE's fonts to be anti-aliased (the
> > box is checked, but the AA fonts aren't there).  Any ideas?
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