Configuring Web-URL?
Glen Lee Edwards
glen at
Fri Aug 16 04:38:08 BST 2002
On Thursday 15 August 2002 05:31 pm, Sean McGlynn wrote:
> On Thursday 15 August 2002 20:59, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
> > Is there a way to configure/disable Web-URL?
> Hello Glen,
> Yes, click on the klipper icon in the system tray (it's the little
> red clipboard with the 'K' in it :-) and select 'Preferences...'
It wasn't there - system tray was empty. Best guess is; I'm using FVWM
as the window manager. That probably has something to do with it.
I switched to the KDE window manager and made the changes per your
instructions. All the web browsers were already listed in the Advanced
section you mentioned. On going back to FVWM as the window manager
everything went back to like it was before I made the changes.
Apparently klipper and FVWM don't get along. At this point it looks
like I'm going to have to disable klipper.
Thanks for the detailed response.
> > Generally speaking, I like the concept - highlight any web address
> > and Web-URL pops up, asking what I'd like to do with the URL.
> > However, this behavior is extremely annoying when it does it with
> > URLs already located in web browsers, and especially when I'm
> > typing said URL into the location bar. On Konqueror and Mozilla it
> > covers the location field so I can no longer type.
> >
> > 1) Is there a way to disable it when a web browser is focussed?
> If you don't want it to work in Konqueror, click on the 'Advanced..'
> button of the 'Actions' tab under 'Preferences...'
> Type 'konqueror' (without those quotes) into the box under the words
> 'Disable actions for windows of type WM_CLASS'
> Then click on 'Add' and 'OK' everything. The same might work for
> Mozilla. You shouldn't get the popup after that when using konqueror.
> Fire up a new konqueror to make sure as the change might not have
> "seen" in running konquerors.
> > 2) Is there a way to move it so that it's pops up in a different
> > location (upper right corner would work)?
> Deselect the 'Popup menu at mouse-cursor position' setting under the
> 'General' tab. The popup will then only appear at the bottom of the
> screen ("above" the klipper icon).
> I'm using KDE2.2 here at the moment, in which you can't tell the
> popup to appear somewhere in particular (such as the upper right
> corner). Things might be different in KDE3.
> > 3) Is there a way to disable it without disabling klipper?
> Yes, under the 'Actions' tab, you'll see an 'action list'. The one
> that looks like '^http:\/\/' is the one that causes the popup to
> appear for web URL's. If you don't want it at all, just select it and
> hit the 'Delete Action' button. Other actions in that list, for
> instance 'ftp:' and 'mailto:' URL's will still be active, but they're
> not as common as 'http:'
> Using 1) above to stop the Web-URL popup in konqueror should solve
> most of your problems without removing the action completely though
> (it's handy to highlight a web URL in a text document, for instance,
> and have the popup appear).
> Alternatively, you can use klipper without any actions (but also
> without deleting them in case you want them later :-) by toggling the
> 'Actions enabled'/'Enable actions' menu item. Ctrl-Alt-X is a
> keyboard shortcut for this (although you can change that in the
> Control Centre if you want to).
> > 4) Is there a way to configure it so that it never has focus unless
> > it's clicked on?
> Not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean activate and deactivate
> klipper by simply clicking on the icon? Sounds like a nice idea :-)
> Clicking on it currently brings up its menu though. Does 'Ctrl-Alt-X'
> do the equivalent of what you want?
> > 5) Just what exactly does klipper do, anyway?
> Click on the 'Help' button under 'Preferences...' to get the manual.
> > Glen
> Cheers,
> Sean
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