Retirement of Drupal 7/8 sites (kdevelop, skrooge, blogs, behindkde)

Milian Wolff mail at
Mon Jan 16 10:51:45 GMT 2023

On Montag, 16. Januar 2023 11:12:58 CET TarcĂ­sio Fischer wrote:
> Hey, yes, I did start working on an update for the website, but got myself
> busy with other things and never finished it (sorry about that).

No worries, thanks for your work already!

> AFAIR, it was in early stages, since I got trouble making it work with
> Hugo. It was not usable since most information was outdated, but the Hugo
> part (AFAIR) was working.

What is "it" in this context? The drupal to hugo export tool?

> I don't know how easy it is to run drupal2hugo, but if hugo's version from
> my branch is up to date enough, my branch should be usable.

What is the stage of your branch in general - did you take the old website and 
port it to hugo directly, or did you recreate a new website based on the 
modern hugo themes other kde websites are using? Did you import any content 
from the old website yet?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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