Homepage for KGeoTag

Tobias Leupold tl at l3u.de
Sat Aug 28 07:47:12 BST 2021

Hi Ben!

Am Samstag, 28. August 2021, 08:04:07 CEST schrieben Sie:

> Ah I see, yes that is quite the different usecase and isn't something that
> apps.kde.org supports yet.
> For that usecase we could certainly look into a Jekyll/Hugo based site - as
> a subdomain of KDE.org - if you'd like.

So ... can KGeoTag actually get kgeotag.kde.org based on KDE's Jekyll template 
like KPhotoAlbum? That would be very nice of course :-)

It's not that I want to post each changed line of code or how my day was, it's 
only about something like "The OSM weekly newsletter wrote about KGeoTag", 
"Now, besides FreeBSD, KGeoTag is now also in the main package repository of 
Gentoo" or "KGeoTag 1.1 is out with the following bugfixes and changes". Like 
three times a year or so.

Cheers, Tobias

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