unable to make donation to neon using 3rd party sites port 443-error

David Lee berry.whitetiger at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 02:04:35 GMT 2020

KDE-NEON Desktop Environment e.V.
Account-Nr. 0 66 64 46
BLZ 200 700 24
Deutsche Bank Privat und Geschäftskunden
Hamburg, Germany

Sir or Madam:

I just let you know that I had issues when trying to make my year end
donations to kde- Neon cause from this kde launch page.
<https://kde.org/contact/> I have been a NEON user since 2018 and have
enjoyed the product releases.  I've been moving away from linux-mint
because their roling firmware updates ware releases have damaged my

I received error 443 when I tried to get the user-copy from distrowatch.com
as shown in the attached screensnap. I was running firefox without any
firewall and my privacy badger disabled. I assume this is a problem with
distro watch accessing their apache server or being misdirected to an old
server. You might want to discuss with them. Since this isnt' a bug against
a release I've not open any bug report. I did a successful torrent of
release 5.2. so I'm pretty sure I am updated. I'll check back with the
blogs f <https://blog.neon.kde.org/index.php/2020/07/22/going-focal/>or

In addition, I was blocked by paypal as being "out of Country" so I was
unable to send you any money paypal. Please advise if you can fix this with
paypal's policy before the end of year as this contribution is used as a
tax deduction.

I'd also welcome hearing from you about QA opportunities you might have
with KDE-neon?


*LEE *

[image: ]david@*LEE BERRY*
*LinkedIN:  <http://goog_280557375>**linkedin.com/in/davidlee-berry-6b54311a2
[image: ] Facebook: m.facebook.com/david.jobo
[image: ][image: ]go-Phone: +1(619)736-5767
[image: 💌] snail-email: davidlee.berry at gmail.comberry.whitetiger@gmail.com
[image: ]Twitter: @LEEwhitetiger
[image: 🏧] Paypal/Visa (david lee.berry)
 Labuan, Sabah 89507
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