migration to new WKO website

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at tiscali.it
Wed Mar 7 11:29:10 UTC 2018

Sebastian Kügler ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> The new www.kde.org website (just www.kde.org, no subdomains for now!) seems 
> to be almost good to go live, so let's discuss how this can be done in the 
> most smooth way. We want to iron out remaining issues before the switch and 
> have the migration go smoothly. This means, anybody who sees problems, please 
> speak before March 12th up and help fix them!

> The new website is being developed under https://www-backstage.kde.org/

Two question (both of them I consider as blocker to avoid regressions):

- do we have already a list of redirects in place to not break the old links
of all past news (including release announcements)?

- how are translations handled right now? I would expect some plugin for
wordpress (I think that I pointed out at least one in the past) that can
export the content as gettext, then we need to integrate the fetching and
upload back in our infrastructure. How should we proceed?


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