Updating our title on doc.kde.org

Olivier Churlaud ochurlaud at sfr.fr
Thu Apr 12 14:27:36 UTC 2018


Fixed here :  https://commits.kde.org/kapidox/


Le mardi 10 avril 2018, 21:48:59 CEST Luigi Toscano a écrit :
> Riccardo Iaconelli (ruphy) ha scritto:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have been complaining for months that everybody calls us "the K Desktop
> > Environment”; a few days later I happen to link this
> > https://api.kde.org/frameworks/ktexteditor/html/index.html and well…
> > already from the preview I notice something is horribly wrong.
> Just for the record: the information is a metatag:
>   <meta name="description" content="K Desktop Environment Homepage,
> KDE.org"/>
> The title itself does not show that information.
> > In short, all our websites still say that we are the “K Desktop
> > Environment”. I think we should really update the title of our websites
> > in a consistent way with our re-branding. How can we fix this? Well, we
> > need to fix the various websites (btw, api.kde.org!=docs.kde.org).
> Ciao

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