Work on the new website

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Fri Sep 9 13:47:04 UTC 2016

On Friday, 9 September 2016 09:13:58 CEST Ken Vermette wrote:
> I'll be sharing my initial work on the theme this around the weekend/Monday
> morning. Saturday I intend to slip into a coma.
> On the announcements format changing, that was something we discussed. I do
> believe going forward we will be announcements through the Drupal
> interface; it's quite nice, and we can customise it according to the needs
> of announcements and do various interesting things. We can also take any
> ideas on things we want to standardize, such as the change list, as we can
> include that in announcement post type.
> The only downside is the old announcements. We'll need to put them in some
> kind of archive, which is less than optimal, and won't be searchable.
> For translations I'm not 100% sure how that will be done. Drupal already
> has translation features that seem very good, but it doesn't look good for
> the SVN based workflow. There was discussion around it, and translators
> will probably need to adjust our apply their expertise to non-Drupal pages
> which are still in need of work.
> We would likely lose a few translators, but at the same time we open up the
> ability for more people to provide translations as the Drupal method is
> much easier to learn than SVN, and I'm sure there are probably more
> translators out there willing to use the web-based interface.

If you think that translators will magically popup because there is a web 
interface, that's not the case. This is even different from the usual 
translation based systems, also different from what we have on the wikis, 
because Drupal gives you an entire article to translate, not chunks, if I 
remember my short testing during Akademy.

Also, this is not about web vs SVN, it's about online vs offline translations. 
Unfortunately it seems that there are no Drupal extensions to export the 
content of the article in a $offline_format (which could go or not to SVN).

But this is what it would be needed: a way to export an article for offline 
translation and import it back.


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