Shutting down ?

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Thu Oct 15 08:15:39 UTC 2015

On Thursday 15 October 2015 20:36:43 Ben Cooksley wrote:> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> wrote:> > El Monday 07 September 2015, a les 00:48:11, Albert Astals Cid va escriure:> >> El Dijous, 3 de setembre de 2015, a les 11:56:10, Martin Konold va escriure:> >> > Hi,> >> > > >> > there are still legitimate users of Qt4 for Android.> >> > >> So? Have you had a look at the page? Are you really saying that whole> >> page> >> with outdated stuff is serving those legitimate users of Qt4 for Android> >> better than a small wiki page on [user/tech/community]base ?> > > > Ok, i see there's no interest from the community in fixing what is in a> > big> > chunk an outdated webpage.> > > > Sorry for trying to make things better :/> > Bogdan, can you respond to the above?> Considering it has been some time since the last release of> Necessitas, perhaps we need to look at winding down the public part of> it and leave only the client binary serving online at this stage?> 
If is ok with you I'd like post an update on where I want to warn people to move to Qt5 and that the project will be discontinued.

> As Qt 4 is being end of lifed by Qt Project, I don't anticipate any> new development using it - and from what I understand, newer versions> of Android break how Ministro works (which will break Necessitas for> Qt 4 completely I suspect?)> 
Yes, sadly google decided to break Ministro in newer andorid versions (5+) and no Qt4 apps will work on those versions, but there are still a few users that are still using Ministro (+600k) which most of them probably are using Qt4, so it will be nice if you'll keep Ministro's bins for a while.
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