Show repository URL in

Andrej Mernik andrejm at
Wed Jul 8 17:34:11 UTC 2015

Hi all,

KDE websvn is a great feature and I use it quite a bit, however I do 
miss a feature which is present in quickgit: the repository URL.
I have added a table row (6 lines of code) to the template which should 
dynamically generate the current directory URL (see screenshot and 
attached code).
Since this is the first time I use the EaZy Templating System, there 
might be bugs :), so please test and push if you think the feature is 

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: svnurl.png
Type: image/png
Size: 109376 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <>
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[# setup page definitions]
  [define page_title]Index of /[where][end]
  [define help_href][docroot]/help_[if-any where]dir[else]root[end]view.html[end]
[# end]

[include "header.ezt" "directory"]

[if-any where][else]
  <!-- you may insert repository access instructions here -->

<table class="auto">
<tr><td>Files shown:</td><td><strong>[files_shown]</strong>
[is num_dead "0"]
  [if-any attic_showing]
    (<a href="[hide_attic_href]">Hide [num_dead] dead files</a>)
    (<a href="[show_attic_href]">Show [num_dead] dead files</a>)

[is roottype "svn"]
  <td>Directory revision:</td>
  <td><a href="[tree_rev_href]" title="Revision [tree_rev]">[tree_rev]</a>[if-any youngest_rev] (of <a href="[youngest_rev_href]" title="Revision [youngest_rev]">[youngest_rev]</a>)[end]</td>
  <td>Sticky [is roottype "cvs"]Tag[else]Revision[end]:</td>
  <td>[include "pathrev_form.ezt"]</td>

[if-any search_re_action]
  <td>Filter files by content:</td>
  <td><form method="get" action="[search_re_action]" style="display: inline;">
      <div style="display: inline;">
      [for search_re_hidden_values]<input type="hidden" name="[]" value="[search_re_hidden_values.value]"/>[end]
      <input type="text" name="search" value="[search_re]" />
      <input type="submit" value="Search Regexp" />
     [if-any search_re]
     <form method="get" action="[search_re_action]" style="display: inline;">
     <div style="display: inline;">
     [for search_re_hidden_values]<input type="hidden" name="[]" value="[search_re_hidden_values.value]"/>[end]
     <input type="submit" value="Show All Files" />

[if-any queryform_href]
  <td><a href="[queryform_href]">Query revision history</a></td>

[if-any where]
  <td>SVN URL:</td>
  <td><a href="svn://[where]">svn://[where]</a></td>

[is picklist_len "0"]
  [is picklist_len "1"]
    <form method="get" action="[dir_paging_action]">
      [for dir_paging_hidden_values]<input type="hidden" name="[]" value="[dir_paging_hidden_values.value]"/>[end]
      <input type="submit" value="Go to:" />
      <select name="dir_pagestart"  onchange="submit()">
        [for picklist]
          <option [is picklist.count dir_pagestart]selected[end] value="[picklist.count]">Page []: [picklist.start] to [picklist.end]</option>

<p><a name="dirlist"></a></p>
<hr />

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