Sprint: Reorganize the wikis

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Thu Dec 10 07:06:55 UTC 2015

Le 10/12/2015 00:58, kde-community-request at kde.org a écrit :
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 20:17:02 +0100 From: Aleix Pol 
> <aleixpol at kde.org> To: kde-devel at kde.org Cc: informing about and 
> discussing non-technical community topics <kde-community at kde.org>, 
> KDE-www KDE <kde-www at kde.org> Subject: Re: [kde-community] Sprint: 
> Reorganize the wikis Message-ID: 
> <CACcA1Rp7uerLM70uBMjrmsZ-6XgCETZ9sWxMi3ops0xpQHBptQ at mail.gmail.com> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 7:57 
> PM, Olivier Churlaud <olivier at churlaud.com> wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >Le 09/12/2015 19:45, Riccardo Iaconelli a écrit :
>>> >>
>>> >>On Monday, December 07, 2015 01:11:22 PM Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>So should I create a doodle? Or open a forum and put the link here? And
>>>> >>>how do we organize the discussion ahead to plan everything? Forum or ML?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>How much time ahead should it be prepared? I mean: what is reasonable
>>>> >>>for a sprint time? I'm currently in Berlin, and I know that a lot of
>>>> >>>contributors are there, so why not? However if we can join the people in
>>>> >>>CERN, it's great too (even better :D).
>>> >>
>>> >>Hi!
>>> >>as organizer of the sprint you're mentioning, I am stepping in and joining
>>> >>the
>>> >>conversation!:-)
>>> >>
>>> >>Since you're talking of wikis, of course we'd be glad to have you with us!
>>> >>We
>>> >>can also add WikiToLearn to the discussion, to figure out e.g. wheteher
>>> >>the
>>> >>KDE book should be hosted there (IMHO, yes). Just make sure to book your
>>> >>presence soon, so we can do the hostel booking.
>> >
>> >
>> >This is awesome news!
>> >
>> >Do we directly register on the sprint or do we do a doodle to first know how
>> >many we will be?
>> >I'm eager to take part of this. Since the date is already fixed, the place
>> >already found, it's way more easy.
>> >
>> >Let us know, and tell me if I can put something on planet.kde.org about
>> >this.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>Now, just out of curiosity, what particle accelerator are you working at?
>> >
>> >
>> >BESSY II (Helmholtz-Zentrum). I'm just a Studentliche Hilfkraft (the
>> >translation must be student job) and writing there my Master Thesis.
> I added a Wiki section so people can join it as such.
> Aleix

It seems that it didn't work: I can't see it in the selection. I only 
have Plasma/VDG Promo/KDE Edu/Plasma.


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