Long Term / KDE.org Design Update

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Aug 3 17:53:45 UTC 2015

El Dilluns, 3 d'agost de 2015, a les 11:08:37, Ken Vermette va escriure:
> Just to ensure everyone knows about it, I've found out that the promo team
> was also looking at the website and there was also a BOF at Akademy. Since
> this hinted at the project becoming fractured, I made haste to open up that
> forum I kept talking about. I also put a post on PlanetKDE to make sure any
> other teams we may not know about are on the same page. So any further
> discussion about the long-term update should be moved to the forum.

Can we have the link to that forum?


> Since we did nail down some stuff, I'll be posting in the forum at some
> point today with the conclusions we arrived to here; using Drupal,
> workflows, etc.
> Cheers!

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