A small question

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Wed Oct 1 20:49:12 UTC 2014

El Dimarts, 30 de setembre de 2014, a les 12:49:19, Tomás Bautista va 
> Hi,


> These days I have placed a couple of bugs reports in your website
> /http://bugs.kde.org//[1], the last one right yesterday, but I cannot see
> them. I wished to know if you knew of problems with your site. I wouldn't
> wish to repeat bug reports that could later appear twice and I wished also
> to know if the info I placed in could be stored somewhere and you would
> retrieve it later on.

It seems you must be doing something wrong, there is just a very old bug 
reported by you, nothing new.

Do you get any error?


> The user I used for your site has the email address I am sending you this
> mail from.
> Greetings, and thanks in advance.
>   Tomás.

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