Draft message to Community ML - comments, please

Anne Wilson annew at kde.org
Wed Aug 21 09:02:25 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 07/08/2013 10:24, Ingo Malchow wrote:
>>> I also believe he should be banned from posting on the wikis
>>> and I also
>>>>> believe that his comments should be completely removed. The
>>>>> sanction fits the offense. So, I fully support such
>>>>> sanction.
>>>>> I also believe he should no longer be able to create bug
>>>>> reports for, say, at least 1 year.
>>> I'd say - let's see if he gets the message and learns. If he
>>> does, no reason to punish him further.
> Seconded. A ban is -like in this case- not only a restrictive
> measure, but also an educational one, and to enable other
> contributors to continue in their intended workflow until a certain
> agreement is found.

As reported on the Community mailing list, I put a 2-week ban in place
and emailed him, inviting him to talk to us.  There has been no
response.  I am aware, though, that there has frequently been quite
long periods between his contributions, so I'm reluctant to do
anything irreversible until we are sure he does not intend to comply.

I have now made the ban indefinite and now need to decide what to do
with his content.  One option is to delete the Back to Basics page,
since I believe restoring it is possible, should he finally agree to
clean it up.  Another option is to move the page to Archive for a
period, for the same reason.

Here we hit a snag - c.k.o. hasn't got an Archive namespace set up.  I
believe that all three wikis need this namespace, so request that it
is enabled, even if we decide that it is not applicable in this case.

It will be necessary, I guess, for some manual trawling through any
other pages he has modified, to check that the page owner has reverted
anything objectionable.

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