About Topic reply notification

Ingo Malchow imalchow at kde.org
Fri Jun 3 19:51:52 UTC 2011

2011/6/3 Lukas <1lukas1 at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> How're you doing on the sprint? :)

We are doing quite fine. Even though there is enough to do we still
have fun. What else does one want :P

> I was wondering, if how hard would be to include the actual reply within
> "Topic reply notification" email received once a new reply is done? Having a
> link to forums more or less works on desktops, but once you get a reply on
> your smart phone (not to mention feature phones), it's a bit broken

Can you explain what exactly breaks when using a smart phone?
> Especially when it requires to login to READ a reply. is this necessary too?

As far as i know the latest reply gets saved along with a user id.
Being not logged in means not having this. So the system can't know
which post you are referring to.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
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