[kde-promo] Where do we put events an booth on the websites? was Re: Fwd: Call for Participation für Projekte: OpenExpo 23./24. September 2009

Mark Ziegler mark.ziegler at rakekniven.de
Thu May 28 06:35:16 UTC 2009


am Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009 schrieb Myriam Schweingruber:
> Hi all,
> As this is in direct relation to the website, I subscribed kde-www to
> that and opened a new thread.
> 2009/5/23 Alexandra Leisse <leisse at kde.org>:
> > 2009/5/22 Dan Borne <danborne.kde at gmail.com>:
> >> Be sure to add it to
> >> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Promo/conferenceseu !
> >
> > I put in a placeholder which can be filled with content on the go. :)
> Ok, I put in some stuff there, but basically there is a big mismatch
> on where things should be put apparently:
> LinuxTag2009 in Berlin is listed here:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Events/Linuxtag/2009

I started to put Events under http://techbase.kde.org/Events some time ago and 
moved content from wiki.kde.org to that place.

I was confused as well about 

One more point for our meeting in Berlin in June (hopefully it will take 

> PS. Is there a map of the webpages available that could help sorting a
> little?
There was a listing from Cornelius some time ago about all kde related 
websites. If you wish I can digg into archives to find it.


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