Kdevelopers Login Problem with OpenID

Pascal Mages pascal at planetmages.ch
Mon Feb 2 13:30:38 UTC 2009


I tried to Login with my openID to http://www.kdedevelopers.org/user

It gives me than an error like this:
     * Invalid CAPTCHA token.
     * OpenID registration failed for the reasons listed. You may 
register now, or if you already have an account you can log in now and 
add your OpenID under "My Account"

The CAPTCHA image does not show (only the alt text). So I cannot even 
create a new username without openID.

Hope you can fix this soon.


In a world without walls and fences we don't need Windows and Gates!

Pascal Mages
Clausiusstrasse 36
CH-8006 Zürich

Mobile: +41 77 403 0019
Phone: +41 43 544 0776
Polyphone: +41 44 658 2007

pascal at planetmages.ch

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