K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.2.0 Info Page

Bud Rogers budr at netride.net
Sun Feb 1 23:13:00 UTC 2009


This page is very misleading.  It shows what seems to be a series of 
links to the 4.2 package tarballs, with a location link, size in MB, 
and an MD5 sum.  If you right click on the link and choose save as, you 
get a link to filename-4.2.0.tar.bz2.  Then if you save what you think 
is the tarball you're after, what you actually get is an xml file with 
further information, mirror locations, etc.

Now I don't mind being redirected to another page to choose an 
appropriate mirror.  I do mind links to something.tar.bz2 that don't 
download the tarball they seem to point to.  Like a lot of users, I'm 
faced with bandwidth/traffic limitations, so I often put  a list of 
links to download in a wget script to download overnight.  Imagine my 
surprise when all those tarballs turned out to be something else.  
Please fix the links so that it is obvious that they redirect to 
another page.

Bud Rogers <budr at netride.net>
KDE user since KDE 1 beta

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