Form submission from: Contact Webmaster

Mark Ziegler mark.ziegler at
Sat Apr 4 13:35:39 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag, 29. März 2009 schrieb Cornelius Schumacher:
> Submitted on 03/29/2009 - 01:53
> Submitted by user: cornelius []
> Submitted values are:
>    Name: Cornelius Schumacher
>    E-Mail Address: schumacher at
>    Subject: Old links
>    Message:
> Old links to dot articles don't work anymore. This is a pretty critical
> issue. It's particularly bad for,
> because we use this page to show to sponsors what happened with their
> money, so we really need this to work.
> Please let me know, what you can do about this issue, and until when we
> will be able to fix it.

Kyle, what is the status?
I remember your email (20th feb 2009) on that list.
You wrote about a redirect module.

Please fix it as soon as possible.


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