wb wbonthuyzen at googlemail.com
Sat Dec 27 18:39:05 UTC 2008

kde4 sucks.

kde3.5 was stable and secure and very flexible.  

kde4.1 is bloated, slow, buggy and trying to be vista. I hate the look, the feel and the usability is just sad. i gain noting be using it and loose 
everything i love about kde.


like xp to vista, such is kde3.5 to kde4. complete and utter bollocks!!   you lot are probably paying your market research for the "answers you want", 
aren't you?  you are fixing something that ain't broke.  why why why why do you "think" this is what people want?   are you seriously that blind? 

just google:  kde4.  (and don't be a hippocrate, read what the people say, not the headlines announcing kde4). just be honest for a change. you lot 
believe you own lies.  you would probably now sit back and have a smile wondering what the f&*% im on?  i am just very very disappointed in you 
latest effort.  its so fake, so plastic so pathetically trying to be cool.  that NOT why we love kde or linux.  at this point, dare i say it, vista 
works better.  do you know how bad you must be to be worse than vista?

how about this for an idea:

introduce 2 versions: 

1. "kde-fat" = kde4.1 -> slow, fat, buggy version for the "beta testers", or "public" as you think of them. something to entertain 
the "need-to-be-cool" kids. someting for the men with small-penis-syndrome. 

2. "kde-slim" = for the people that needs to get some work done on a stable, reliable yet customisable platform. for those who prefer a stable 
simplistic approach.

this is my honest feeling.  i didn't bother sprinkling my opinion with sugar.  this is an honest and bare opinion that could not be misinterpreted.

- just a thought, is your main man in charge having his mid-life-crisis? 

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