KDE website logo contest entry

luciash d' being luci at ground.cz
Sun May 18 23:28:28 UTC 2003

On Sunday 18 of May 2003 23:22, luciash d' being wrote:
> hello,
> On Monday 05 of May 2003 19:34, luciash d' being wrote:
> > hi,
> > if there's still a problem with the cool sebastian's logotype... ok,
> > well... here's mine entry...
> hmm? just a question... why wasn't my entry accepted for the contest?
> at least i don't see it at http://kde.jblinux.org/
> or is it just a 'best of choice' on-line there?

ooops! i see now. 'cause there's *no problem* with the sebastian's!

:.. :.: ::: :
luciash [graun]d' being :.:::.::. ::.:::  :: ::    :  :.:.::
simply just an( )other web designer? :::::.::.:.:::.:::  :.: :
l u c i @ s h . g r o u n d . c z ::.:::..:::.::.::.::  :.  ::
c. p#one ++ 420 777 777 590 :::.::::..::.:::  ::    : :.: ::      
http://luci.skinbase.org ::.:::...:.: :  .::  ::.: ::   :::
:.. :.: ::: :

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