two menus for all subsites?

Neil Stevens neil at
Sun Mar 9 11:44:34 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday March 09, 2003 02:20, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> On Sunday 09 March 2003 04:43, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > On Saturday March 08, 2003 06:35, Jason Bainbridge wrote:
> > > It was quite a long and drawn out discussion, we finally came to the
> > > decision that for subdomains it would be best for a one sided menu
> > > as they are content based and not navigation based. Although having
> > > said that I can see your point about including the two menu's on the
> > > front page and have made the change on usability already, it
> > > actually looks better as it was a bit bare previously.
> >
> > Only if the top level site has a large number of links.
> >
> > If the site only has a few links, they will all fit in one side!
> >
> > For example:  It's completely unnecessary for to
> > have both.
> but what would be the problem to have 2 menus on each frontpage ? there
> are only some news and "where are you here" infos.

Two menus are more than twice as hard to navigate as one menu.  A single 
menu allows the user to find one menu and read down the list.

Two menus require the user to find both menus, decide which to read, then 
read down the list.  If the user chose wrongly, the user must read down 
the second list.

Three menus are even worse, especially if one me nu is hidden in a corner 
somewhere.  It is unlikely that most users even know a sitemap is 
available. has a very large number of links, so two menus were a 
compromise there.  What other page in KDE has a number of links on the 
front page that is equal to that?

So if specific site mantainers decide that their specific title page has so 
many links that he wants to have two menus, let them populate both menus.  
Fine.   But leave that for each maintainer to decide.  Don't just go 
slapping on a whole extra menu to each page on the server.  multimedia 
barely has enough links right now for one menu.  It does not need two.

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at
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