Small, but important things

Navindra Umanee navindra at
Mon Feb 3 09:34:10 UTC 2003

Rainer Endres <endres at> wrote:
> > The first draft of root66 was although more professional looking -> said
> > here: not tuned for usability
> Jep

Well claims to have been tuned for usability and has
a nice list of requirements, etc.  Just add a second column for the
front page and you've got the same design as wwwtesting only better...

> We are coming back to this point every 3 weeks. I am not sure how
> yet, but I think this has finally reached a point where some action
> has to take place to leave this circle. I am not sure how and I will
> discuss my ideas with others

Well, I disagree that you should rush it if you're replacing with something less good in terms of appearance or
otherwise...  Any content changes can of course be incorporated in the
current design although of course some stuff will be harder (like the
nicely organised KDE Family column, perhaps).

But if you want to "leave the circle", I think we should at least take
a poll, just to get a final good feeling and confirmation on how
people like the various designs:

I mean if people largely prefer, I will shut up and
go away!  Gladly.


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