what root66 KDE.org is supposed to look like

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Thu Apr 17 17:44:32 UTC 2003

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Hi Christoph!

Thanks for your quick and helpful reply, and sorry again for confusing 
your contributions with Chris'.

[Christoph Cullmann]
> The problem with root66 design wasn't that I don't liked it. I wanted
> to use it but I never got consense with the rest of the kde-www team
> about that. Therefor I and others crippled down it to the lowest
> consensus to get at least the structural changes done.

This is exactly how I understood your contributions and changes when you 
did them. Obviously Sebastian didn't understand them this way, but well, 
the best we can do now is to readd stuff as you are suggesting.

> As mentioned before, I have nothing against readding now after the
> framework is ready many of the good "artist" stuff from root66 design,
> like the nice boxes, konqui, after the logo contest the "best" availabe
> logo and style sheet.

I would really love it if we could make a style that is very close to 
Sebastian's design, but I don't want to do it against his will.

Maybe he can contact this mailing list about the situation, rather then 
only writing comments on kde-look, or we will just commit some 
improvements to the current layout here and there.

> That I hadn't that much time in the last months is mostly because I had
> to work much in my university holidays ;)

Sure ;)

> In short: It the webteam (which includes me and the other maintainers
> and helpers like Chris, you, other people been ACTIVE on the webstuff
> in the last months) can get consense about which parts we want to readd

I still hope that Sebastian wishes to join us again, but that's up to him, 
of course.


- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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