kde.org website redesign

marko faas argus at dds.nl
Sun Sep 22 16:59:04 UTC 2002

On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 16:41, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 22 September 2002 16:22, marko faas wrote:

<about dropping the kde family menu>

> I don'T really like the idea of dropping the kde family menu. I would rather 
> clean the naming up.

Hmmm... I think we should at least try that. This whole kde family menu
is imho very confusing for the vistor.

> If we have at the left the "sub menu" of the current page and on the right the 
> menu where you select where to go, it seems to me much cleaner.

I am trying to visualise...
To me, the best way is to have one menubar and that's on the left. It
can be threaded in max. three levels. The third level can be for the
submenu's of the subsites.
I know, that's not a very revolutionary idea, but it is very clear and

> on kde.org the user will find only the intersting stuff for kde desktop env. 
> in general, like the proposal with:
> Downloads - After all that's the main thing people will want

Is it? Maybe what you say is true, but maybe they just want to know what
KDE is? And if they want to download, what do they want to download?
KDE, KOffice or a application?

> Info - After they have downloaded they want to learn more
> Contact - Not to far down in case people wanta  helping hand
> Explore - Put this above develop just due to the fact that people wanting to
> develop would be more willing to search for information.
> Develop - As above.

Christoph, should this be the only menu items or just the sections? If
these are only sections, what entries do you propose for the next level?

> On the right side he has the kde family (or call it something other like: 
> areas/locations/realms/....) where you have something like:
> Main
> Themes
> Artists
> Events
> Bugs
> Usability
> Multimedia
> Games
> ......

Imho, to put all these just like that, you are mixing several ways of
indexing. I mean, now it is something like:
green, pear, car, blue, banana 
They are just not the same kind. I guess we should find a way to do
something like:


And if we just encorperate the family in one menu, you don't have to do
that twice, so you will contribute to the transparency of the site. 

I recognise that not all family-sites are willing to contribute, so we
might have put some apart (in a links-section for example), but I think
it is of great importance to have one and one kind of menu structure.


> To place all kde.org family pages as submenus in the left main menu is just 
> confusing and makes the left menu to a kcontrol clone ;) (he, no flames, just 
> want to show that the menu gets much to complex)

So you want to maintain TWO menu's? That sound a bit contradictory to me

Actually, it is true that there are many menu items - probably too many.
But we do have a very extensive site so we might want to combine some
subsites. But that's something for a later use. 

> I find that "task" or "area" selection on the right and sub menu on the left 
> much more usable, as you can get from everywhere to everywhere quit speedy 
> without messing around with massive menu structures.

How about putting all the languages on the right site? this menu should
go in the other pages, because imho it sucks up quite some space.

Marko Faas

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