bug wizard

m l mack mlmack at speakeasy.net
Thu Sep 12 00:33:55 UTC 2002

There is some problem getting this through your mail server. Thence:

Your bug wizard is no damn good. It just stalled out for the third time in a 
row. It has also stalled frequectly in the past. I was trying to complain 
about the lack of an indexed help file in kword. I don't have time to read 
the entire manual. I want an index to take me to the page I need, like using 
the man command. Notice that MS products all have indexes. That's one of the 
reasons they are where they are.

  Wastrel, Ne'er-Do-Well, and Layabout
              M L Mack vhe, png,
              Certified Scalawag

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