mirroring KDE

Philippe BAQUÉ baque at cict.fr
Mon Oct 14 16:28:36 UTC 2002


   We are an academic computing centre and I mirror KDE since few 
months, it seem's interesting to publish this on your web server. Could 
you update your Web site.
  can I mirror the Web site?

  server address: ftp://mirror.cict.fr/kde/
  Location: Toulouse, France
  name: Philippe BAQUÉ
  email: baque at cict.fr
  bandwith: 100MB (1G in few month)
  update method: rsync
  primary mirror: why not!?

Thank you.


-- Philippe  

Philippe BAQUÉ
Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse cedex 4
tél: 05 61 36 60 17
email: baque at cict.fr
fax: 05 61 52 14 58

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