kde.org design test

Neil Stevens neil at qualityassistant.com
Fri Oct 11 06:55:12 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday October 08, 2002 03:42, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I just commited to the kde www modules a current snapshot of our design
> candidate from sebastian (which is NOT the final version, but close,
> have sebastians ok for that of course ;).
> Where is the stuff:
> www/images: general images
> www/styles: general styles
> www/templates: header/footer.inc's
> www/testing: sample page using it

Here's my shot at an simplified layout: 

This draft is static HTML.  I won't bother writing PHP to implement it 
until I know it'll be used.


* Allow all three kinds of users (KDE contributors, KDE users, non-KDE 
users) to find what they want
* Keep the navigation in one list
* Make it easy for a reader to follow the flow of the document
* Strict XHTML compliance
* Support screen and print media (Try View->Use Stylesheet in Konqueror)
* Support different user environments:  Text and graphical browsers 
(Starting at 600 pixels)

Known problems so far:

* That header graphic doesn't quite fit in as-is
* The three sections of the main body (about kde, announcements, news) 
could use some color to emphasize the organization
* I don't know the print version of display: none; to hide the top bar and 
right bar
* Once I go below about 575 pixels in Konqueror, the side bar breaks in 

Criticism of the code welcomed.

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at qualityassistant.com
"The nearest I can make it out, 'Love your Enemies' means, 'Hate your
Friends'." - Benjamin Franklin
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