kde.org design test

fredrik danerklint fredan at fredan.org
Wed Oct 9 13:21:13 UTC 2002

Okey, I have now put up an site which is located at http://kde2.fredan.org so 
you can see how it looks like with the new layout. (otherwise you can look at 
it on http://www.kde.org/testing/ but that doesn't include my stuff...)

I have taken my earlier kde-links stuff added to this and also make it 
possible to have an "title" tag to each link. That can ofcourse also be 

Now, the problem I see right now is that we have three links to apps.kde.org 
with different description each time. Is this the right way to do it?

You can grab the hole package from http://kde2.fredan.org/web_keramik.tar (and 
don't make to much noise about my *.c links :-)

I will clean this (mess) up later tonight/tomorrow.

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