
Andreas Pour pour at
Mon Nov 25 01:51:47 UTC 2002

Mat Colton wrote:
> Andreas Pour wrote:
> > Mat Colton wrote:
> > > Couldn't have given a better response.
> >
> > In that case I register my opposition to the new design.
> By opposing in this stadium you really do seem personally hurt. I never meant
> to hurt your feeling or put Appsy down. So, just to be sure you get my
> thoughts:


Your response to my prior post (which I got after my response which you are
replying to) would have obviated that email (hope that makes sense ;-) ).

As to my personal feelings, while it is true I would consider it more than a
slap in the face to have the appsy feed removed, that is not the main issue.  I
would not take it to the next level if I did not believe that removing content
from the front page is bad for the website and the KDE project.  For
several reasons, besides the obvious one that it reflects my work:

  * As to the project:  having the links there shows support for 3rd party KDE
developers, that the KDE project recognizes and appreciates their efforts. 
Removing them sends the opposite signal.  Moreover, having those links there
shows people who come to find out about KDE that there is active development,
making KDE seem like a more attractive platform.

  * As to the website:  many people use those links.  That makes the links
useful, and the page that holds them useful.  When people find the links missing
they will get upset.  And also they may bookmark appsy directly and stop
visiting the website regularly.  Plus basic web design says to draw
traffic your content should be dynamic.  People don't like to visit a page again
if it hasn't changed.  In any case, not good for the site.

> As long as it offers truely free downloads, I STAND UP FOR APPSY AND FOR YOUR

Thank you.
> Having said that I would like to make sure you understand I'm trying to
> improve, not to destruct the precious work of yours and others. I'm
> just suggesting to try to lead the user to Appsy in a different way for a
> number of reasons, not to remove Appsy from

Well I don't understand the reasons.  So far I have not heard anything except
some vaguely-worded concerns about licensing; other concerns (such as "poeple
don't use it") have been shown to be wrong.

I think all the evidence points strongly toward keeping the feeds from dotsy and



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