KDE mirror in Argentina

Kurt Granroth granroth at kde.org
Tue Jun 11 05:48:16 UTC 2002

On Monday 10 June 2002 10:25 pm, Federico Omoto wrote:
> I had set up a KDE web mirror in Argentina:
> http://kde.fusionlinux.com.ar
> We fullfil your requirements with 20 GB of available disk space, we do an
> update-check once a day (using cvs), and we have subscribed to the
> kde-mirrors mailing list (with the same identity as this Email).

Thank you for your kind offer.  However, to be a mirror, you really must 
follow all the instructions found in the 'webmirrors_howto.html' file... 
particularly the PHP instructions.  You will see that if you go to any "sub 
page" on your site (like http://kde.fusionlinux.com.ar/faq.html), then all 
of the page's formatting (and sidebar and header) disappear.  This is 
because your PHP include path does not include the local root of your 

When all the pages look right, we'd be more than happy to have you as a 
mirror as we have been needing a South American mirror for some time!

Kind Regards,
Kurt Granroth - "KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop"
KDE Developer/Evangelist | granroth at kde.org
http://www.granroth.org  | kurt at granroth.org

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