[Kde-women] applet help

Leigh Willard leigh at rsvs.ulaval.ca
Wed Nov 16 19:49:40 CET 2005

Hello Group,

I have written my first kde application - a kicker applet.  I must admit, I've 
had a lot of fun writing this little program for my lab that reminds people when 
it's time to do their backups.  However, there is one problem left that I need 
to resolve.  When I install my application into the kicker, and I open my 
"configure" panel for my applet, the entire kicker panel locks up (blocks) until 
I close my configuration window eg. I cannot use any of the kde menus, switch 
workspaces, or open applications from the panel.  I have installed some other 
third-party kicker applets, and they do the same thing for me.    I am using kde 
3.4, but I believe that kde 3.3 also has the same problem.  Are there any applet 
programmers out there that can help me?

Leigh Willard
leigh at rsvs.ulaval.ca

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